DD & MP division is conducting various activities for
dairy development as well as developing the farmers into
the level of industrial entrepreneurs such as farmer
training, farm demonstration instrumental and machinery
grants with the help of government and non-government
agencies liaising with relative organizations and banks
and supply of required inputs and services etc.
MILCO has already set up a fund called “MILCO Farmer
Social Security Fund (MFSSF)”, to provide benefits for
dairy farmers for 27 occasional requirements of day today
life including pension scheme for elderly farmers. Fund
has established by contributing same portion of
contribution per liter of milk by farmers as well as
Administration and operations of DD & MP division is
operating under the guidance and supervision of the
Manager Dairy Development and Milk Procurement, and field
activities are conducting with 9 provincial areas headed
by Provincial Managers and subordinate staff. Altogether,
there are 101 numbers of field officers who are qualified
in the field of agriculture or animal husbandry are
deployed to conduct and maintain above activities. MILCO
is used to collect around 150,000 liters of milk per day.